Mary Lynne Bennett Piano Studio: Studio Policy
Mary Lynne Bennett Piano Studio
Studio Policy 2024-2025
Welcome to the Mary Lynne Bennett Piano Studio! This page will outline all attendance/make-up policies, scheduling and rates, practice expectations, and activities that the studio participates in. If you have any additional questions after reading through this document, please contact me.
Students will attend a 30, 45, or 60 minute weekly lesson based on their age and level. Lesson length will be recommended by the teacher at the initial interview or in progress reports. Group lessons are scheduled 3 times in the fall and 3 times in the spring on Saturdays for students to share the progress they have made with each other. All students are welcome at these lessons and are encouraged to attend, even if they do not need a makeup lesson. Group lessons are especially important to attend if your student is part of a duet team that will be performing and for building studio camaraderie. Please add these to your calendars now so they can plan to attend. Group Lessons dates are as follows:
September 21, 2024 February 8, 2025
October 26, 2024 March 22, 2025
November 23, 2024 April 19 , 2025
grades Pre-K-3: 2pm
grades 4-7: 3pm
grades 8-12: 4pm
Adults all levels: 5pm
Students will participate in two studio recitals during the year. Studio recital dates are as follows:
Friday, December 6, 2024
Friday, May 2, 2025
Please put these recital dates on your calendars NOW!!! The recital is a chance for the studio as a group to celebrate the progress the students have made throughout the year. I recognize student achievement at these events, and I want to make sure that students are recognized for all of their hard work and practice. I encourage ALL students to attend, including adult students, to join in the celebration and receive recognition for their achievements, even if they are not planning on performing in the recital.
I will email a lesson schedule for fall and spring semester to all families based on their lesson day. Summer schedule is 8 flex-scheduled lessons around your vacation weeks and mine.
Make-up Policy
Please make every effort to attend your scheduled lesson time. Because I have a very full studio schedule, make-up lessons will not be possible. Attendance at group lessons will serve as make-ups for missed applied lessons. If you miss more lessons than there are group lessons offered, no refund will be given. If a make-up is necessary due to my illness, I will schedule the make-up lesson accordingly.
A note on student illness: Please do not send your symptomatic child or bring your symptomatic self to a lesson.. It is hard to focus on the lesson when the student is having to constantly blow their nose, is coughing badly, or is suffering other symptoms. If you come to the studio with a symptomatic student, I reserve the right to send you home. I do offer Facetime or Zoom lessons for bad weather conditions and if students are recovering from an illness but are still symptomatic. If you or your child is actively ill, please take the time to rest and recover and use the group classes as makeup lessons.
Tuition Rates for 2024-2025
Tuition for children is based on an hourly rate and an annual term of 38 lessons per year (approx. 15 in fall, 15 in spring, 8 flex-scheduled in summer). Students are asked to commit to the annual term and no refunds will be given for students who decide to leave lessons mid-year. Should I decide that dismissal from lessons is necessary for any reason, a refund for the remainder of the semester will be granted.
All materials for lessons will be provided by the instructor. Tuition may be paid annually (due 8/15/24), in three equal installments, due 8/15/2024, 12/15/2024, and 4/1/2025, or twelve equal monthly installments due on the fifteenth of each month. There will be a flat $25 late fee invoiced for all late payments.
A $250 per student registration fee is required of all students. This registration fee is due by June 15, 2024 to hold a spot in the studio for the coming year. The registration fee includes all books that the student uses throughout the year, as well as prizes, gifts, and other materials that are used in the studio. The registration fee also helps cover the costs of maintenance of studio instruments, equipment, and recital hall fees.
30-minute lesson: $1520 annually, $507x3 payments, $127x12 payments
45-minute lesson: $2280 annually, $760x3 payments, $190x12 payments
60-minute lesson: $3040 annually, $1014x3 payments, $254x12 payments
Multi-family member discount (for additional children in the same family, first student's tuition with the longer lesson is as above.) Students who wish to take more than one lesson per week may also use the multi-family discount.
30-minute lesson: $1368 annually, $456x3 payments, $114x12 payments
45-minute lesson: $2052 annually, $684x3 payments, $171x12 payments
60-minute lesson: $2736 annually, $912x3 payments, $228x12 payments
Tuition for adult students only is based on the number of lessons scheduled per month, with a strong recommendation of a minimum of two lessons per month for continued growth.
30-minute lesson: $40
45-minute lesson: $60
60-minute lesson: $80
Practice Expectations
Learning a musical instrument is an excellent way to develop skills such as increased attention span, hand-eye-foot coordination, discipline, structure and routine. Learning to read musical notation is much like learning another language and regular practice is required to learn the language fluently.
The following are only standard time recommendations for practice at home between lessons, but I reserve the right to give specific recommendations to individual students based on their goals, learning styles and their needs.
First Year of lessons for average-age beginners: one to two 15-minute practice sessions daily
Second Year of lessons: at least 20 minutes daily (may be broken up into multiple sessions)
Third Year of lessons: at least 30 minutes daily
Fourth Year of lessons: at least 40 minutes daily
Intermediate Students: at least one hour daily
Late Intermediate to Advanced Students: at least two hours daily
Parental involvement is crucial to the success of young instrumentalists. Parents should actively supervise practice and theory homework assignments and discuss the importance of intelligent (not mindless) practice with students on a regular basis. I ask that when possible, students send short videos of their practice sessions to me (via private YouTube channel, Dropbox, Vivid) so I can see the progress that is being made at home between lessons. Students will be given an assignment book that parents and students should refer to on a regular basis, and practice suggestions may also be sent to the students and parents via email if time runs short in the lesson. Parents are welcome to sit in on the lessons as observers. I may ask parents of younger students to be present at lessons so they will know how to best assist students with practice at home. Parents should become familiar with how to use a metronome or other digital apps that students may be using in their practice at home in order to assist the students with their practice.
Communication with parents is also important to me, as is providing a measure of students' progress on a regular basis to parents. Because I frequently must schedule lessons back-to-back, there is little time to talk to parents in-between lessons, but I would be glad to schedule a phone or online conference with parents outside of lesson hours when necessary.
I recommend purchasing the best acoustic instrument that you can afford for piano study. Digital instruments can be helpful for supplementary instruction and entertainment, but acoustic instruments have certain features that the student must experience on a regular basis in-between weekly lessons. See the links page for local piano dealers.
I expect students to come to lessons prepared and on-time. Lessons that begin late because of students' late arrival will not run late. Students should bring all of their materials to every lesson with written assignments completed. They should keep fingernails trimmed and wash hands before each practice session and lesson. Students should learn to care for their acoustic instruments, which means no food or drink or decorations/picture frames, etc. placed on or near the piano, always play with clean hands and feet, and have the instrument tuned at least once, preferably twice annually. Visit the Piano Technicians Guild website for a list of certified technicians in the area.
Studio Activities
I am a permanently certified member of Music Teachers National Association, the Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association, the Pittsburgh Piano Teachers Association, and the West Virginia Music Teachers Association and am active in all associations. The associations offer students of teacher members opportunities to perform at adjudicated and non-adjudicated festivals and competitions. I enter my students in these events when the students, parents, and I feel it is appropriate. For a schedule of these events, please visit the association websites. I will also communicate opportunities and deadlines to families via email.
I enter students into the Royal Conservatory of Music examination system when the students, parents and I feel the student is ready. The Royal Conservatory is an internationally standardized adjudicated exam system. I have had students earn honors grades through Level 10 in this program. Royal Conservatory program exams happen in-person December, May, and August,and remotely year-round. Students may enter when ready depending on their progress in each level.
In addition to these programs,students may seek out additional opportunities to perform at their schools, their places of worship, local retirement communities and assisted living facilities, and community events.
Studio Policy 2024-2025
Welcome to the Mary Lynne Bennett Piano Studio! This page will outline all attendance/make-up policies, scheduling and rates, practice expectations, and activities that the studio participates in. If you have any additional questions after reading through this document, please contact me.
Students will attend a 30, 45, or 60 minute weekly lesson based on their age and level. Lesson length will be recommended by the teacher at the initial interview or in progress reports. Group lessons are scheduled 3 times in the fall and 3 times in the spring on Saturdays for students to share the progress they have made with each other. All students are welcome at these lessons and are encouraged to attend, even if they do not need a makeup lesson. Group lessons are especially important to attend if your student is part of a duet team that will be performing and for building studio camaraderie. Please add these to your calendars now so they can plan to attend. Group Lessons dates are as follows:
September 21, 2024 February 8, 2025
October 26, 2024 March 22, 2025
November 23, 2024 April 19 , 2025
grades Pre-K-3: 2pm
grades 4-7: 3pm
grades 8-12: 4pm
Adults all levels: 5pm
Students will participate in two studio recitals during the year. Studio recital dates are as follows:
Friday, December 6, 2024
Friday, May 2, 2025
Please put these recital dates on your calendars NOW!!! The recital is a chance for the studio as a group to celebrate the progress the students have made throughout the year. I recognize student achievement at these events, and I want to make sure that students are recognized for all of their hard work and practice. I encourage ALL students to attend, including adult students, to join in the celebration and receive recognition for their achievements, even if they are not planning on performing in the recital.
I will email a lesson schedule for fall and spring semester to all families based on their lesson day. Summer schedule is 8 flex-scheduled lessons around your vacation weeks and mine.
Make-up Policy
Please make every effort to attend your scheduled lesson time. Because I have a very full studio schedule, make-up lessons will not be possible. Attendance at group lessons will serve as make-ups for missed applied lessons. If you miss more lessons than there are group lessons offered, no refund will be given. If a make-up is necessary due to my illness, I will schedule the make-up lesson accordingly.
A note on student illness: Please do not send your symptomatic child or bring your symptomatic self to a lesson.. It is hard to focus on the lesson when the student is having to constantly blow their nose, is coughing badly, or is suffering other symptoms. If you come to the studio with a symptomatic student, I reserve the right to send you home. I do offer Facetime or Zoom lessons for bad weather conditions and if students are recovering from an illness but are still symptomatic. If you or your child is actively ill, please take the time to rest and recover and use the group classes as makeup lessons.
Tuition Rates for 2024-2025
Tuition for children is based on an hourly rate and an annual term of 38 lessons per year (approx. 15 in fall, 15 in spring, 8 flex-scheduled in summer). Students are asked to commit to the annual term and no refunds will be given for students who decide to leave lessons mid-year. Should I decide that dismissal from lessons is necessary for any reason, a refund for the remainder of the semester will be granted.
All materials for lessons will be provided by the instructor. Tuition may be paid annually (due 8/15/24), in three equal installments, due 8/15/2024, 12/15/2024, and 4/1/2025, or twelve equal monthly installments due on the fifteenth of each month. There will be a flat $25 late fee invoiced for all late payments.
A $250 per student registration fee is required of all students. This registration fee is due by June 15, 2024 to hold a spot in the studio for the coming year. The registration fee includes all books that the student uses throughout the year, as well as prizes, gifts, and other materials that are used in the studio. The registration fee also helps cover the costs of maintenance of studio instruments, equipment, and recital hall fees.
30-minute lesson: $1520 annually, $507x3 payments, $127x12 payments
45-minute lesson: $2280 annually, $760x3 payments, $190x12 payments
60-minute lesson: $3040 annually, $1014x3 payments, $254x12 payments
Multi-family member discount (for additional children in the same family, first student's tuition with the longer lesson is as above.) Students who wish to take more than one lesson per week may also use the multi-family discount.
30-minute lesson: $1368 annually, $456x3 payments, $114x12 payments
45-minute lesson: $2052 annually, $684x3 payments, $171x12 payments
60-minute lesson: $2736 annually, $912x3 payments, $228x12 payments
Tuition for adult students only is based on the number of lessons scheduled per month, with a strong recommendation of a minimum of two lessons per month for continued growth.
30-minute lesson: $40
45-minute lesson: $60
60-minute lesson: $80
Practice Expectations
Learning a musical instrument is an excellent way to develop skills such as increased attention span, hand-eye-foot coordination, discipline, structure and routine. Learning to read musical notation is much like learning another language and regular practice is required to learn the language fluently.
The following are only standard time recommendations for practice at home between lessons, but I reserve the right to give specific recommendations to individual students based on their goals, learning styles and their needs.
First Year of lessons for average-age beginners: one to two 15-minute practice sessions daily
Second Year of lessons: at least 20 minutes daily (may be broken up into multiple sessions)
Third Year of lessons: at least 30 minutes daily
Fourth Year of lessons: at least 40 minutes daily
Intermediate Students: at least one hour daily
Late Intermediate to Advanced Students: at least two hours daily
Parental involvement is crucial to the success of young instrumentalists. Parents should actively supervise practice and theory homework assignments and discuss the importance of intelligent (not mindless) practice with students on a regular basis. I ask that when possible, students send short videos of their practice sessions to me (via private YouTube channel, Dropbox, Vivid) so I can see the progress that is being made at home between lessons. Students will be given an assignment book that parents and students should refer to on a regular basis, and practice suggestions may also be sent to the students and parents via email if time runs short in the lesson. Parents are welcome to sit in on the lessons as observers. I may ask parents of younger students to be present at lessons so they will know how to best assist students with practice at home. Parents should become familiar with how to use a metronome or other digital apps that students may be using in their practice at home in order to assist the students with their practice.
Communication with parents is also important to me, as is providing a measure of students' progress on a regular basis to parents. Because I frequently must schedule lessons back-to-back, there is little time to talk to parents in-between lessons, but I would be glad to schedule a phone or online conference with parents outside of lesson hours when necessary.
I recommend purchasing the best acoustic instrument that you can afford for piano study. Digital instruments can be helpful for supplementary instruction and entertainment, but acoustic instruments have certain features that the student must experience on a regular basis in-between weekly lessons. See the links page for local piano dealers.
I expect students to come to lessons prepared and on-time. Lessons that begin late because of students' late arrival will not run late. Students should bring all of their materials to every lesson with written assignments completed. They should keep fingernails trimmed and wash hands before each practice session and lesson. Students should learn to care for their acoustic instruments, which means no food or drink or decorations/picture frames, etc. placed on or near the piano, always play with clean hands and feet, and have the instrument tuned at least once, preferably twice annually. Visit the Piano Technicians Guild website for a list of certified technicians in the area.
Studio Activities
I am a permanently certified member of Music Teachers National Association, the Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association, the Pittsburgh Piano Teachers Association, and the West Virginia Music Teachers Association and am active in all associations. The associations offer students of teacher members opportunities to perform at adjudicated and non-adjudicated festivals and competitions. I enter my students in these events when the students, parents, and I feel it is appropriate. For a schedule of these events, please visit the association websites. I will also communicate opportunities and deadlines to families via email.
I enter students into the Royal Conservatory of Music examination system when the students, parents and I feel the student is ready. The Royal Conservatory is an internationally standardized adjudicated exam system. I have had students earn honors grades through Level 10 in this program. Royal Conservatory program exams happen in-person December, May, and August,and remotely year-round. Students may enter when ready depending on their progress in each level.
In addition to these programs,students may seek out additional opportunities to perform at their schools, their places of worship, local retirement communities and assisted living facilities, and community events.